2nd Programme Conference 2019

13.02.2018 - 13.02.2018 / Fabrikhalle 12, Fabrikstrasse 12, 3012 Berne

On 13 February 2019, researchers and Steering Committee members convene for the 2nd programme conference in Berne.

The objectives are:

  • Update on the progress so far and the contribution of the projects to expanding the knowledge base.
  • Poster session: Presentation of the state of research on posters and discussion of specific challenges and questions.
  • Parallel sessions on selected methods and topics.
  • Next steps

At the meeting, the state of research will be presented on posters. In preparation thereof, we kindly ask you to design your poster (A0 portrait) along the given template (see link below). The intermediate report due on 14.1.2019 shall serve as the basis for the poster. The poster template is for illustration only. You are most welcome to design the poster so that it fits your projects respecting the given structure of the template. One structural element is “Biggest challenge or specific question, you want to discuss with the NRP 73-research community”. We kindly ask you to send us the challenge or question already two weeks before the conference. At the conference, each project leader will be invited to share this challenge or question in the plenum (see programme of the conference to be downloaded from the link below).

In the afternoon, parallel sessions on different methods and topics will be organised. Steering Committee members will be co-chairing the sessions together with appointed speakers from the NRP 73 research community.

The conference will be held in English. Please register until 14 January 2019 at the latest.