Susanne Blank is the federal administration's new representative in NRP 73


Susanne Blank will replace Olivier Jacquat, who is leaving the Federal Office for the Environment at the end of the year.

Susanne Blank has headed the Economics and Innovation division at the Federal Office of the Environment (FOEN) since September 2019. Her division is in charge of compiling the federal government's "Green economy" report and has lead responsibility for implementing measures. Its remit also includes topics such as circular economy, consumption, and industry agreements with representatives of different sectors aimed at finding voluntary solutions in certain areas.

Susanne Blank studied economics and political science at the University of Bern. For twelve years she was head of the economic policy unit at an NGO and held a number of mandates in private-sector companies. She has extensive knowledge of economic policy, knows how the private sector, associations and the federal administration work, and is suitably well networked.

She will replace Olivier Jacquat, who is leaving the FOEN at the end of 2019. We look forward to a strong partnership and welcome Ms Blank to NRP 73.